Ana içeriğe atla


It's all starting with something and ending with something. This time I'il tell you about my most beautiful journey. last year I applied for the European voluntary service in Poland with the EVS Programme in April. While the heart was not given to everyone, it was not noticed by all, it managed to leave the traces of volunteerism in a concrete way . six months later, I found out I was admitted to the program. Then I was elected as a volunteer in Sofia. First, you need to wirte a motivation letter. sometimes luck is something you don't have. Then there was a great rush in me. I've always been the one to wait. Now I'm gone. the best. and a different culture. We preferred a train ride on the recommendation of my comrade on the road to. Before I went on the journey, I had attended the preseparation training of EVS and again met many sweet, beautiful volunteers who would give their hearts to this work. In education, I realized that my responsibility was to settle with my heart and other hearts. I was going abroad for the first time. It was the first time I left my family. If you are going to visit the Balkans, we recommend you to taste this with the “Sofia Express“.The train leaves at 22: 40 in the morning and introduces you to Sofia at 8: 30. my friends, my little family, said goodbye that day. I was so intimidated by what the previous volunteers said. I put clothes and food in my suitcase. we went to the train station step by step. We are excited. I had only one crescent. There was no one else I'd ever experience the word “trust.”. And now I'm going to step on my feet in another country where I don't know your language , your attitude, your air . We couldn't sleep that night with Hilal . There were already 15 minutes between the Turkish border gate and the Bulgarian border gate. We came home at 8: 30 with vasilena and Petya. 1 room 1 living room and a large kitchen. I had difficulty speaking English on the first day. Now I'm even making a rumor. EVS provides everything to the organization to which you will build the project. Our organization gave me 256 money in two weeks. Bulgaria was a cheap country for my country. Vegetables , fruits , bread, lots of stuff. We've filled our house up, and we're making our own meals. Although Sofia seems small, we've lost more than two days in the first place. I'm used to the city . Time flows like water. I'm looking forward to my projects. now I understand that some of the things that have been going on have brought me great beginnings. “ FOR EXAMPLE BULGARİA /SOFİA ….


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We're just trying to find time and get away from work. I am not going from city to city in Turkey now I started to switch between countries. we leave the Sofia at 9.30 in the morning. We arrive in Belgrade at 2.   First, we enter the street where the Parliament Building and Belgrade inscriptions are located. I'm impressed by your architecture.You go with great advice euro. I like the architecture of the Capitol. there are human figures carrying horses on his back. I dont understand what is about it ? We meet two Serb girls. They helpt to us.   We are going to “MİHALİOVA STREET” with girls. Mihaliova similar “İstiklal Street” in Turkey. The street has got many art gallery. And Of course, the glass exhibition attracts my most attention. There's a picture of a hand in the Windows. Some art gallery free in the street. Hold it from butterflies made of honey , to paintings made of fabrics. A little girl was playing the violin in a great way on the street. Also, man is sing...